September 20th Update

We have noticed that our marigolds and nasturtiums are looking slightly wilted and discolored. To combat this issue with our crops we have decided to add 7 pounds of fertilizer spread across them. This should give our marigolds and nasturtiums a boost of nutrients and a higher growth rate as well.


As our cucumbers grow larger, they have started to need support. Therefore, we decided it would be a great idea to add wooden sticks as trellis for the cucumbers to wrap themselves around. This will provide stability and structure for the cucumbers to grow tall and produce additional flowers and developing cucumbers.

Our tomato plants are starting to grow larger as well, so we decided to put our trellis into the ground as well for the tomatoes to be supported. We were able to get help from Youssef to help keep the trellis anchored to the ground. 

We completed putting in the metal trellis for our tomato plants. Twine is placed around the metal trellis to keep our tomato plants growing in an upright position. As the tomato plants grow taller we will start to add more twine around the trellis to keep them supported.  
